events and happenings
come join the fun.
Kickstands Up
For Kids
For Kids
Everyone personally knows someone who was born premature or seriously ill. All of these children were helped with the advancement of research and education.
There are not enough public and gov’t funds available to support the needs of these premature and sick newborns.
The community of WNY can help thru their participation and support of the locally sponsored Kickstands Up For Kids.
Join The Ride
When life throws you a curve…
…lean into it.
…lean into it.
Early Bird Registration is Open!
Main Rider $15.00
Second Rider $5.00
Please note that the cost of the 2nd rider purchases a Teddy Bear for each Premature Baby and Sick Newborn in the WNY area!
For more information contact

September 8, 2018
Start Location: Deep South Taco, 6727 Transit Rd.
Staggered Start Time: 10:00am – 11:30am
Destination: Sunset Bar and Grill, 3 Oconnell Island, Wilson, NY
Teddy Bear PicNic!
Keep watching this space! Our first annual Teddy Bear PicNic is in the works and we would love to have you and your children join us! AND yes! Bring their Teddy Bears if they have them.
We will be introducing our Teddy Bear program at the picnic, which is very simply a teddy bear for every preemie and sick new born in the WNY area (to start…we have big aspirations!)
We have started our Teddy Bear Campaign and every little bit helps! Please go to our Go Fund Me page to donate.
why we do it…
In the Buffalo area, almost 12% of the babies born are premature. Thru education and research we want to lower the number of preemies and sick newborns as well as offer education and resources for these beautiful moms.
Every life needs a chance, we want to make sure that happens.
“and once the storm is over you won’t remember how you made it thru, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won’t be the same person who walked in.”
~Haruki Marakami

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