thriving & happy wee warriors
Meet Nathan & Ryan – Born at 30 Weeks
This adorable photo was taken on the 1 yr mark of their momma’s original due date.
Diagnosis: Prematurity/IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction)
Where care was given for newborn: Women and Childrens Hospital of Buffalo
Gestational age at birth: 30 weeks
Now: 14 months!
Current activities child/children are involved in: Nathan and Ryan do music class, library sometimes and play dates. Both boys are walking and climbing and wrestling! We also revive PT through early intervention.
Your experience while in the hospital at the time of birth and duration in the hospital: We had a scheduled C-section, received the steroid shots for the babies lungs and was admitted on 8/14/14 and discharged on 8/19/14. The children were discharged on 10/14/14. The staff was amazing and wile it was so scary they were so supportive. I got a tour of the NICU prior to my surgery and was able to ask tons of questions, meet the doctors in advance, etc.
Any thoughts with regard to the treatment your child received: The doctors and nurses in the NICU became out family. We visit them and keep in touch and some even attended the boys first birthday party!

Ryan was 1lb, 11oz and 13″ long and is now 19lbs and 28.75″ long!
Nathan was 3lbs, 1oz and 15″ long and is now 21lbs and 29.5″ long!
Thank you Lauren for sharing with us!

Do you have a wee warrior or 2 (or more) of your own?
We would love to share your story with everyone. Every little bit of support and encouragement we can give every parent of a preemie or a sick newborn is often a life line for them.
Please send us your story via email at (its easier to attach photos via email if you’d like us to post your beautiful baby’s photo on our website and facebook page).